# Maximum profit Puzzle from [rendezvous with cassidoo](https://buttondown.email/cassidoo/archive/the-thermometer-of-success-is-merely-the-jealousy/) newsletter, July 23rd 2023. Implementation in ANSI BASIC with prototype in Python. Solution posted at https://strangeobject.space/@ooze/110770674393278897 ## How to run Edit the last `DATA` statement from the `MAXPROFIT.BAS` file to specify the sequence. Update the loop counter on line 20 to the number of elements in that sequence. Running the code requires a BASIC intepreter such as [Bywater BASIC](https://github.com/nerun/bwbasic/) (bwBASIC). For example, on Ubuntu, Debian, or Pop! OS systems, it can be installed from `apt install bwbasic`. ```console bwbasic MAXPROFIT.BAS ``` Exit the interactive environment by typing Ctrl-D.