DRY up pages definition using minimum-unambiguous-path closes #16 (woo big negative line-count commit thanks @duckinator!)
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,14 +96,14 @@
(take 5 inputs)
(u/table-lookup inputs pronouns-table))))
(defn make-link [abbrev row]
(let [link (str "/" (s/join "/" row))
label (s/join "/" abbrev)]
(defn make-link [path]
(let [link (str "/" path)
label path]
[:li [:a {:href link} label]]))
(defn front [pronouns-table]
(let [abbreviations (u/abbreviate (sort pronouns-table))
links (map (fn [entry] (make-link (first entry) (second entry))) abbreviations)
(let [abbreviations (u/abbreviate pronouns-table)
links (map make-link abbreviations)
title "Pronoun Island"]
@ -15,35 +15,6 @@
[query-key tabfile]
(table-lookup query-key (slurp-tabfile tabfile)))
(defn disambiguate
"given a row and its lexically-closest neighbors,
determine the smallest abbreviation which is still
[prev row next]
(loop [n 1]
(let [row-n (take n row)]
(>= n 5) row
(= row-n (take n prev)) (recur (+ n 1))
(= row-n (take n next)) (recur (+ n 1))
:else row-n))))
(defn abbreviate
"given a list of pronoun rows, return a list of
pairs, where the first item is the abbreviation
and the second is the original pronoun row."
(loop [acc nil
prev nil
row (first sorted-table)
todo (rest sorted-table)]
(let [next (first todo)
abbrev (disambiguate prev row next)
pair (list abbrev row)
acc2 (conj acc pair)]
(if (empty? todo) (reverse acc2)
(recur acc2 row next (rest todo))))))
(defn minimum-unambiguous-path
([pronouns-table sections] (minimum-unambiguous-path pronouns-table sections 1))
([pronouns-table sections number-of-sections]
@ -53,3 +24,8 @@
0 nil
1 (clojure.string/join "/" sections-subset)
(recur pronouns-table sections (+ number-of-sections 1))))))
(defn abbreviate
"given a list of pronoun rows, return a list of minimum unabiguous paths"
(map (partial minimum-unambiguous-path pronouns-table) pronouns-table))
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/css"}
:body (slurp (io/resource "pronouns.css"))})
(GET "/*" {params :params}
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
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