include pronouns in page titles (re #56)
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,14 @@
[hiccup.core :refer :all]
[hiccup.util :refer [escape-html]]))
(defn prose-comma-list
(let [c (count items)]
(<= c 1) (first items)
(= c 2) (s/join " and " items)
:else (str (s/join ", " (butlast items)) ", and " (last items)))))
(defn href
[url text]
[:a {:href url} text])
@ -49,7 +57,9 @@
(defn possessive-pronoun-example
(render-sentence "At least I think it was " (wrap-pronoun possessive-pronoun) "."))
(render-sentence "At least I think it was "
(wrap-pronoun possessive-pronoun)
(defn reflexive-example
[subject reflexive]
@ -58,16 +68,16 @@
(wrap-pronoun reflexive)
(defn title-block [title]
(defn header-block [header]
[:div {:class "section title"}
[:h1 title]])
(href "/" [:h1 header])])
(defn examples-block
[subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive]
(let [sub-obj (str subject "/" object)
header-str (str "Here are some usage examples for my "
(let [sub-obj (s/join "/" [subject object])
header-str (str "Here are some example sentences using my "
" pronouns")]
" pronouns:")]
[:div {:class "section examples"}
[:h2 header-str]
[:p (subject-example subject)
@ -81,7 +91,8 @@
[:p "Full usage: "
[:tt ""]
" displays examples of your pronouns."]
[:p "This is a bit unwieldy. If we have a good guess we'll let you use just the first one or two."]])
[:p "This is a bit unwieldy. If we have a good guess we'll let you use"
" just the first one or two."]])
(defn contact-block []
(let [twitter-name (fn [handle] (href (str "" handle)
@ -102,7 +113,8 @@
(defn format-pronoun-examples
(let [title "Pronoun Island: English Language Examples"]
(let [sub-objs (map #(s/join "/" (take 2 %)) pronoun-declensions)
title (str "Pronoun Island: " (prose-comma-list sub-objs) " examples")]
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