nicer example modulo css
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
export port=$1
lein uberjar
java -cp target/pronouns-standalone.jar clojure.main -m pronouns.web
open http://localhost:"$port"/ze/zir
java -cp target/pronouns-standalone.jar clojure.main -m pronouns.web
@ -3,19 +3,95 @@
[pronouns.util :as u]
[hiccup.core :refer :all]))
(defn wrap-pronoun
[:b pronoun])
(defn wrap-para
[:p whatever]
(defn subject-example
[:span#blah [:b subject] " went to the park."])
[:span#sentence (wrap-pronoun subject) " went to the park."]))
(defn object-example
[:span#sentence "I went with " (wrap-pronoun object) "."]
(defn posessive-determiner-example
[subject possessive-determiner]
[:span#sentence (wrap-pronoun subject) " brought " (wrap-pronoun possessive-determiner) " frisbee."]
(defn possessive-pronoun-example
[:span#sentence "At least I think it was " (wrap-pronoun possessive-pronoun) "."]
(defn reflexive-example
[subject reflexive]
[:span#sentence (wrap-pronoun subject) " threw it to " (wrap-pronoun reflexive)]
(defn twitter-name [name]
[:a {:href (str "" name)} (str "@" name)]
(defn contact-block []
[:div {:class "contact"}
[:p "Written by " (twitter-name "morganastra") " and " (twitter-name "thelseraphim") "."]
[:p "visit the project on " [:a {:href ""} "github."]]]
(defn about-block []
[:div {:class "about"}
[:p "Full usage:"]
[:tt ""]
" displays examples of your pronouns. If we have a good guess we'll let you use just the first one or two."]
[:p "Quick examples:"]
[:p "My name is Thel Seraphim, my " [:a {:href ""} ""] "."]
[:p "My name is Morgan Astra, my " [:a {:href ""} ""] "."]
(defn examples-block
[subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive]
[:div {:class "examples"}
[:p [:h1 "Usage examples:"]]
(subject-example subject)
(object-example object)
(posessive-determiner-example subject possessive-determiner)
(possessive-pronoun-example possessive-pronoun)
(reflexive-example subject reflexive)])
(defn format-pronoun-examples
[subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive]
(s/join "\n"
[(str subject " went to the park")
(html (subject-example subject))
(str "I went with " object)
(str subject " brought " possessive-determiner " frisbee")
(str "at least I think it was " possessive-pronoun)
(str subject " threw it to " reflexive)]))
[:head ""]
(examples-block subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive)
(defn parse-pronouns-with-lookup [pronouns-string pronouns-table]
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(GET "/*" {params :params}
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (pages/pronouns (:* params) pronouns-table)})
(ANY "*" []
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