* create pl\disclaimer * create pl\syndrom-oszusta * add italics and better wording * create intro part of pl\dysforia-fizyczna * finish pl\dysforia-fizyczna * create pl\dysforia-biochemiczna * create pl\dysforia-spoleczna * implement basic tweet translation template * translate some tweets * fix wrongly displayed header * add pl lang to translated pages * Add files via upload Do zrobienia: zaembedować tweety z oryginału * fix typo * add metadata and change filename of pl\euforia * add missing lang: pl * Polish menu and string constants Need more translation still, but they are here to, well, be here already and just have them fixed later. I really do hope we won't forget about 'em... * more tweets translated * even more tweets translated * create pl\przyczyny * translate another series of tweets * create pl\chromosomy * translate a tweet chain * add pl/index for easier navigation * create pl/hormony * add pl/czy-jestem-trans to the index * scss font update for pl language * fix typo * create pl/czy-jestem-trans * fix wording * define _concat.json for PL version * update pl/hormony page description * create pl/leczenie * translate "Egg Prime Directive" as "prawo jajecznicy" * translate a few more tweets * translate even more tweets * standardize PL chapters' attribute order * loremipsumize not-yet-translated PL chapters * add pl printable to the build file * fix missing lang attribute * add introduction in Polish copied from Word file supplied by Nat * add pl/dysforia-roli-spolecznej reformatted Markdown file supplied by Nikola (@aksenzia) * normalize header levels * create pl/diagnoza, ICD-11 left for later * translate translegalism to pl * translate 2nd puberty with T to pl tweet translations still yet to be done * include more pl tweet translations (as HTML comments for now) * hide tweet translations as HTML comments until a framework is created * change file name * translate pl/dysforia-prezencji * translate pl/podsumowanie * remove tweet translation scss (need some better solution) * change pl file name * fix https links * add images to pl, some even translated * translate pl strings * rewrite pl/euforia for better flow * slight wording changes to pl/chromosomy * translate pl/czym-jest-gender * change file name * change title to a shorter one * create pl/drugie-dojrzewanie-E * update syndrom oszusta * create pl/dysforia-egzystencjalna * translated Male Gaze to pl * pl chapter 8 check W.I.P. * translated whole pl/dysforia-seksualna * update pl/podsumowanie with new text * change chapter title * translate pl/mechanizmy-obronne * translate pl/historia Yay, that was the last one! :D Now, just check if everything's correct and it's gonna be publish-ready! * verified others' translations * fix not translated "Source" * remove unused file Co-authored-by: aksenzia <92644704+aksenzia@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Laura <erdaradun.gaztea@gmail.com>
Codebase for the Gender Dysphoria Bible.
Code for this site is distributed as MIT licensed.
Site content such as essays and photo materials are copyright Jocelyn Badgley & other contributors, and are licensed Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (see LICENSE.txt).
How to use this repository
The GDB is a static content site generated using a custom built framework written in Node.js. The majority of the code that drives the build process sits in the build
directory. This code is activated via a GulpJS command interface.
You do not need to be able to execute the generation code in order to contribute content. All site content is stored in the public
folder, with the GDB content under public/gdb
. Changes to this content can be done to anyone who is experienced with HTML and git source control.
Site Content
Page content is in markdown format, extended with a custom form of Handlebars for content injection. Sections wrapped {!{like this}!}
are blocks of handlebar code that will be rendered as embedded HTML.
The beginning of each markdown file contains a YAML formatted header block with metadata relevant to that file. The keywords at the start of each line are significant to the page generation process.
: This defines the creation date of the page and should never be changed unless a new page is created.title
: This is the title of the page as it appears in the browser titlebar and when embedded on social media.description
: This is the description of the page that appears when linked on social media.preBody
: This defines the file to use for the block of text that appears at the top of each page in the GDB.- siblings`: This controls the navigation links that appear at the bottom of each page.
: These are the css classes to apply to the page body for styling the page.tweets
: This is a list of twitter urls or tweet ids that are embedded on the page. This is necessary for the engine to gather those tweets during the pre-render process so that they are available for embedding.
There are various content templates used throughout the pages that render common page elements, such as images and tweet blocks. These are imported using {{import }}
handlebars blocks. Reference existing pages for examples of how to use these.
The img
block can access any images stored either in the _images
directory on the same level as the markdown file. They are made available by name, without the file extension. Any image prefixed with an underscore (such as _titlecard.png
) is treated as a pre-made asset and will NOT be processed into different resolutions for site optimization.
Site Styling
All stylesheets for the site are built using SCSS and are are stored in the scss
directory. Styling is broken into various subset files, organized by purpose. The site styling is built on top of Bootstrap 4 and makes used of its variables, mixins and components.
Building the site with NodeJS
To execute this codebase you will need to have node.js and npm installed on your computer and be familiar with the command line interface. Your computer will also need to have the gd
and graphicsmagick
libraries installed. See the build instructions below.
After cloning this repository to your computer you will need to run npm install
in the project directory to install all of the dependency modules. Once this install is complete you can build the site by running the gulp
command. This will compile all of the image assets, render the site stylesheets, and build the individual pages, before launching a local webserver to host the site for previewing the rendered content. Any changes made to the content while this server is running will trigger a recompile so that the page can simply be reloaded.
The command gulp uat
will build the site as if it is prepared for deployment to the website. This performs extra optimizations to reduce the size of the site.
Tweet Content
The file twitter-backup.json
contains the contents of all tweets used on the site. In order to add new tweets to the website (and be able to have them displayed), you will need to create a twitter-config.json
file in the site root containing your own personal twitter API credentials.
The file is in this format:
"consumer_key": "YOUR",
"consumer_secret": "TWITTER",
"access_token_key": "CREDENTIALS",
"access_token_secret": "HERE"
Site Publishing
Publishing the site content requires AWS credentials which are not stored in this repository. Attempts to use the gulp publish
command will fail.