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synced 2025-02-07 10:16:16 +00:00
74 lines
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Executable File
74 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import glob
import yaml
def get_all_pages():
return [file for file in glob.glob("gdb/*.md")
if not file.endswith("/index.md")]
def fix_web_path(page):
return '/' + page[:-3]
def parse_page_data(page):
with open(page) as fd:
return next(yaml.safe_load_all(fd))
def most_appropriate_title(data):
return data.get("linkTitle") or data['title']
def traverse_siblings(pages, start, sibling='next'):
page = start
while page in pages:
yield page
page = pages[page]['siblings'].get(sibling)
def create_intro_toc(pages, start, offset=2):
for num, page in enumerate(traverse_siblings(pages, start)):
data = pages[page]
title = most_appropriate_title(data)
print(f"{num + offset}. [{title}]({page})\n")
def create_navbar(pages, start):
longest_link = max(map(len, traverse_siblings(pages, start))) + 2
for page in traverse_siblings(pages, start):
data = pages[page]
title = most_appropriate_title(data)
linksq = f"'{page}'"
linkdq = f'"{page}"'
print(f' <a href={linkdq:{longest_link}s} class="{{{{#is meta.url {linksq:{longest_link}s}}}}}active {{{{/is}}}}dropdown-item">{title}</a>')
def check_nav_consistency(pages, first):
for page in traverse_siblings(pages, first):
siblings = pages[page]['siblings']
for sibling in 'prev', 'next':
sibling_data = pages.get(siblings.get(sibling))
if sibling_data:
sibling_title = most_appropriate_title(sibling_data)
link_title = siblings[sibling + 'Caption']
if sibling_title != link_title:
print(f"{page}: caption mismatch for {sibling}: expected {sibling_title!r}, got {link_title!r}")
def main():
pages = {fix_web_path(file): parse_page_data(file) for file in get_all_pages()}
*_, first = traverse_siblings(pages, next(iter(pages)), sibling="prev")
create_intro_toc(pages, first)
create_navbar(pages, first)
check_nav_consistency(pages, first)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':