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synced 2025-03-03 19:16:17 +00:00
182 lines
5.5 KiB
182 lines
5.5 KiB
module.exports = exports = function (md, options) {
options = {
fence: '|||',
function debug (...args) {
if (options.debug) console.log(...args); // eslint-disable-line
const fenceLen = options.fence.length;
// const fenceFirst = options.fence.charCodeAt(0);
function scanAhead (state, line, pos) {
const position = state.src.indexOf(options.fence, pos);
if (position === -1) {
// there are no html blocks in this entire file
state.discreteHtmlScan = {
present: false,
return false;
while (position > state.eMarks[line]) {
state.discreteHtmlScan = {
present: true,
return true;
md.block.ruler.before('fence', 'raw', (state, startLine, lastLine) => {
let pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine];
let endOfLine = state.eMarks[startLine];
// if we have yet to do a scan of this file, perform one.
if (!state.discreteHtmlScan && !scanAhead(state, startLine, pos)) {
debug('First scan, nothing found');
return false;
if (!state.discreteHtmlScan.present) {
debug('Have scanned, did not find');
return false;
// add one to the line here in case there is a line break in a paragraph.
if (state.discreteHtmlScan.line > startLine + 1) {
debug('Have scanned, found, but after this line', { startLine, targetLine: state.discreteHtmlScan.line });
return false;
if (startLine > state.discreteHtmlScan.line) {
// we dun fucked up
debug('We somehow got ahead of ourselves', { startLine, line: state.discreteHtmlScan.line, lastLine, pos, endOfLine, tokens: state.tokens });
throw new Error('markdown-it-discrete-html encountered a parsing error.');
// at this point we should be on a line that contains a fence mark
debug({ l: 67, startLine, scan: state.discreteHtmlScan });
let openIndex, closer, nextLine;
openIndex = state.discreteHtmlScan.position;
do {
let token, closeIndex;
const tokens = [];
const preBlock = openIndex > pos && state.src.slice(pos, openIndex);
debug({ l: 75, preBlock, startLine, lastLine });
openIndex += fenceLen;
pos = openIndex;
if (preBlock && !!preBlock.trim()) {
md.block.parse(preBlock, md, state.env, tokens);
switch (tokens[tokens.length - 1].type) {
case 'heading_close':
case 'paragraph_close':
closer = tokens.pop();
// fallthrough
debug({ l: 92, tokens });
// find terminating fence
if (!scanAhead(state, startLine, pos)) {
debug({ l: 96, remaining: state.src.slice(pos) });
// console.error(state.src)
throw new Error(`Could not find terminating "${options.fence}" for a raw html block.`);
closeIndex = state.discreteHtmlScan.position;
nextLine = state.discreteHtmlScan.line;
if (nextLine === startLine) nextLine++;
endOfLine = state.eMarks[nextLine];
const content = state.src.substring(openIndex, closeIndex);
closeIndex += fenceLen;
pos = closeIndex;
if (content.trim()) {
token = state.push(closer ? 'html_inline' : 'html_block', '', 0);
token.map = [ startLine, nextLine ];
token.content = content;
token.block = true;
debug({ l: 115, tokens: [ token ], nextLine, pos, endOfLine: state.eMarks[nextLine], len: state.src.length, remaining: state.src.slice(pos) }); // eslint-disable-line
if (pos === endOfLine) {
// we have ended this line, nothing more to do here.
if (closer) {
debug({ l: 122, tokens: [ closer ] });
state.discreteHtmlScan = null;
state.line = nextLine + 1;
return true;
// still more left in this line, see if there is another block
if (scanAhead(state, nextLine, pos)) {
// we found another block, but it isn't on this line, so break out.
if (state.discreteHtmlScan.line > nextLine) {
if (closer) {
debug({ l: 135, tokens: [ closer ] });
state.line = nextLine + 1;
return true;
// next block is on this line, grab everything between here and there
openIndex = state.discreteHtmlScan.position;
} else {
// no more blocks on this line, grab everything between here and the end of the line
openIndex = endOfLine;
debug({ l: 147, pos, openIndex, remaining: state.src.slice(pos) });
const postBlock = state.src.slice(pos, openIndex);
token = null;
if (postBlock.trim()) {
token = state.push('inline', '', 0);
token.content = postBlock;
token.map = [ nextLine, nextLine ];
token.children = [];
debug({ l: 158, tokens: [ token ], postBlock, pos, openIndex, closeIndex, endOfLine });
pos = openIndex;
startLine = nextLine + 1;
endOfLine = state.eMarks[startLine];
debug({ l: 164, pos, startLine, endOfLine, remaining: state.src.slice(pos) });
} while (pos + fenceLen < endOfLine);
if (closer) {
debug({ l: 169, tokens: [ closer ] });
openIndex += fenceLen;
pos = openIndex;
state.line = startLine;
return true;