const path = require('path'); const { open: opensql } = require('sqlite'); const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3'); const sql = require('../sql-tag'); (async () => { // open the database const db = await opensql({ filename: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'database.sqlite'), driver: sqlite3.Database, }); await db.exec(sql` CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS entries ON records ( referrer_host ); `); const rows = await db.all(sql` SELECT referrer_host, count(DISTINCT IFNULL(tid, ip)) as tids FROM records WHERE date(dts) > date('now', '-12 month') AND referrer_host != '' AND referrer_host != '' GROUP BY referrer_host ORDER BY tids DESC; `); const hosts = new Map(); for (const {referrer_host, tids} of rows) { const host = matchHost(referrer_host); const row = hosts.get(host) || { referrer_host, count: 0 }; const current = row.count || 0; hosts.set(host, { host, referrer_host: row.referrer_host, count: current + tids }); } let results = Array.from(hosts.values(), ({ host, referrer_host, count }) => [referrer_host, count]) results = results.sort((a,b) => b[1] - a[1]); results = results.slice(0, 100); // console.table(results); for (const [host, count] of results) { process.stdout.write(host.padEnd(38, ' ') + count + '\n'); } })().catch(console.error); const MATCH = /^t\.co$|(?:[^.]+)(?=(?:\.com?)?\.[A-za-z]{2,}$)/; function matchHost (input) { if (input === '') return 'reddit'; if (input.startsWith('com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync')) return 'reddit'; if (input === '') return 'google'; if (input.endsWith('')) return 'facebook'; if (input.startsWith('com.')) { input = input.split('.').reverse().join('.'); } const [host] = input.match(MATCH) || [input]; return host; }