const path = require('path'); const glob = require('../lib/glob'); const getImageDimensions = require('../lib/dimensions'); const getVideoDimensions = require('get-video-dimensions'); const { keyBy, pick, filter, get, set, memoize } = require('lodash'); const actions = require('../imgflow/actions'); const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'); function resolve (...args) { args = args.filter(Boolean); let fpath = args.shift(); if (!fpath) return ROOT; if (fpath[0] === '/') fpath = fpath.slice(1); return path.resolve(ROOT, fpath, ...args); } module.exports = exports = async function findAssets () { const files = await glob('pages/**/*.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif,mp4}', { cwd: ROOT }); const map = {}; const assets = (await Promise.all( (filepath) => { const asset = new Asset(path.relative(ROOT, filepath)); await asset.load(); set(map, [ ...asset.base.split('/'), ], asset); return asset; }))).filter(Boolean); Object.freeze(map); function within (dir) { const subset = filter(assets, { dir }); return { get titlecard () { return get(filter(subset, { name: 'titlecard' }), [ 0, 'url' ]); }, get assets () { return keyBy( => a.webready()), 'name'); }, get all () { return [ ...subset ]; }, }; } return { map, for: memoize(within), get tasks () { return => a.tasks()).flat(1); }, get all () { return [ ...assets ]; }, }; }; const JPG = '.jpg'; const JPEG = '.jpeg'; const PNG = '.png'; const GIF = '.gif'; const MP4 = '.mp4'; const M4V = '.m4v'; const FILETYPE = { [JPG]: 'jpeg', [JPEG]: 'jpeg', [PNG]: 'png', [GIF]: 'gif', [MP4]: 'mp4', [M4V]: 'mp4', }; const RESOLUTIONS = [ 2048, 1024, 768, 576, 300, 100 ]; class Asset { constructor (filepath) { const file = path.parse(filepath); let { base: basename, name } = file; this.preprocessed = false; if (name[0] === '_') { this.preprocessed = true; = name = name.slice(1); file.basename = basename = basename.slice(1); } this.type = FILETYPE[file.ext] || file.ext.slice(1); if ([ JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF ].includes(file.ext)) { this.kind = 'image'; } else if ([ MP4, M4V ].includes(file.ext)) { this.kind = 'video'; } else { this.kind = 'raw'; } // remove the pages root and any _images segment from the dir const dir = file.dir.split('/'); if (dir[0] === 'pages') dir.shift(); const i = dir.indexOf('_images'); if (i > -1) dir.splice(i, 1); this.input = resolve(filepath); // /local/path/to/pages/file.ext this.cwd = resolve(file.dir); // /local/path/to/pages/, pages/folder, pages/folder/subfolder this.base = path.join(...dir); // '', 'folder', 'folder/subfolder' this.dir = path.join('/', ...dir); // /, /folder, /folder/subfolder = name; // index, fileA, fileB this.basename = basename; // index.ext, fileA.ext, fileB.ext this.dest = path.join('dist/', ...dir); // dist/, dist/folder, dist/folder/subfolder this.ext = file.ext; this.out = path.join(this.dest, `${}${this.preprocessed ? this.ext : '.' + this.type}`); this.url = path.join(this.dir, `${}${this.preprocessed ? this.ext : '.' + this.type}`); } load () { switch (this.kind) { case 'video': return this.loadVideo(); case 'image': return this.loadImage(); default: } } async loadImage () { const { width, height } = await getImageDimensions(this.input); const ratioH = Math.round((height / width) * 100); const ratioW = Math.round((width / height) * 100); let orientation = 'wide'; if (ratioH > 100) { orientation = 'tall'; } else if (ratioH === 100) { orientation = 'square'; } this.dimensions = { width, height, ratioH, ratioW, orientation, }; if (this.preprocessed) { this.sizes = [ { output: resolve(this.out), url: this.url, width, height, } ]; } else { this.sizes = [ { output: resolve(this.out), url: this.url, width, height, }, ]; for (const w of RESOLUTIONS) { if (w > width) continue; this.sizes.push({ output: resolve(this.dest, `${}.${w}w.${this.type}`), url: path.join(this.dir, `${}.${w}w.${this.type}`), width: w, height: Math.ceil((w / width) * height), }); } this.sizes.reverse(); } return this; } async loadVideo () { const { width, height } = await getVideoDimensions(this.input); const ratioH = Math.round((height / width) * 100); const ratioW = Math.round((width / height) * 100); let orientation = 'wide'; if (ratioH > 100) { orientation = 'tall'; } else if (ratioH === 100) { orientation = 'square'; } this.dimensions = { width, height, ratioH, ratioW, orientation, }; this.sizes = [ { output: resolve(this.dest, this.basename), url: path.join(this.dir, this.basename), width, height, } ]; return this; } toJson () { return pick(this, [ 'preprocessed', 'type', 'kind', 'input', 'cwd', 'base', 'dir', 'name', 'basename', 'dest', 'ext', 'dimensions', ]); } webready () { const { kind, name } = this; return { kind, name, sizes: => pick(s, [ 'url', 'width', 'height' ])), }; } tasks () { return{ output, width }) => ({ input: this.input, output, format: this.preprocessed ? undefined : this.type, width: this.preprocessed ? undefined : width, action: this.preprocessed ? actions.copy : actions.image, })); } } exports.Asset = Asset;