const path = require('path');

const fs = require('fs-extra');
const log = require('fancy-log');
const { resolve, readFile, ENGINE, TYPE } = require('./resolve');

const handybars = require('handybars');
const Kit = require('handybars/kit');

const slugify = require('./lib/slugify');
const { stripHtml } = require('string-strip-html');

const markdownIt = require('markdown-it');
const i18n = require('./lang');

const mAnchor = require('markdown-it-anchor');

const dateFNS = require('date-fns');
const dateFNSLocales = require('date-fns/locale');
const str2locale = {
  'en': dateFNSLocales.enUS,
  'zh': dateFNSLocales.zhCN,

const markdownEngines = {
  full: markdownIt({
    html: true,
    linkify: true,
    typographer: true,
    .use(require('markdown-it-link-attributes'), {
      pattern: /^https?:/,
      attrs: {
        target: '_blank',
        rel: 'noopener',
    .use(mAnchor, {
      permalink: mAnchor.permalink.linkInsideHeader({
        class: 'header-link',
        symbol: '<img src="/images/svg/paragraph.svg">',
        renderHref: (input) => '#' + slugify(decodeURIComponent(input)),
        ariaHidden: true,
    .use(require('./lib/markdown-raw-html'), { debug: false }),

  preview: markdownIt({
    html: false,
    linkify: false,
    typographer: true,

function markdown (mode, input, data, hbs) {

  if (mode === 'preview') {
    input = stripHtml(input
      .replace(/<!--\[[\s\S]*?\]-->/g, '')
      .replace(/æææ[\s\S]*?æææ/gi, '')
      .replace(/\{!\{([\s\S]*?)\}!\}/mg, '')
    if (input.length > 1000) input = input.slice(0, 1000) + '…';

  } else {

    input = input.replace(/\{!\{([\s\S]*?)\}!\}/mg, (match, contents) => {
      const result = hbs(contents, data);
      return 'æææ' + result + 'æææ';

    input = input.replace(/<!--[[\]]-->/g, '');

  try {
    return input ? markdownEngines[mode].render(input, data) : '';
  } catch (e) {
    throw e;

function stripIndent (input) {
  const match = input.match(/^[^\S\n]*(?=\S)/gm);
  const indent = match && Math.min( => el.length));

  if (indent) {
    const regexp = new RegExp(`^.{${indent}}`, 'gm');
    input = input.replace(regexp, '');

  return input;

  layout:    'templates/layout.hbs',

  page:      'templates/page.hbs',
  post:      'templates/post.hbs',

module.exports = exports = async function (prod) {

  const revManifest = prod && await fs.readJson(resolve('rev-manifest.json')).catch(() => {}).then((r) => r || {});
  const injectables = new Injectables(prod, revManifest);

  const env = {  ...Kit, ...injectables.helpers() };

  for (const [ name, file ] of Object.entries(HANDYBARS_PARTIALS)) {
    try {
      const contents = await readFile(file);
      env[name] = handybars.partial(contents.toString('utf8'));
    } catch (e) {
      log.error('Could not load partial ' + file, e);

  const templates = {};
  for (const [ name, file ] of Object.entries(HANDYBARS_TEMPLATES)) {
    try {
      const contents = await readFile(file);
      templates[name] = handybars(contents.toString('utf8'), env);
    } catch (e) {
      log.error('Could not load template ' + file, e);

  const hbs = (source, data) => handybars(source, env)(data);

  const result = {
    [TYPE.HANDYBARS]:  hbs,
    [TYPE.MARKDOWN]:   (source, data) => markdown('full', source, data, hbs),
    [TYPE.OTHER]:      (source) => source,

    [ENGINE.PAGE]:     (source, data) =>{, contents: markdown('full', source, data, hbs) }),
    [ENGINE.POST]:     (source, data) =>{, contents: markdown('full', source, data, hbs) }),
    [ENGINE.HTML]:     (source) => source,
    [ENGINE.OTHER]:    (source) => source,

    preview: (source, data) => markdown('preview', source, data, hbs),

  return result;

class Injectables {

  constructor (prod, revManifest) { = prod;
    this.revManifest = revManifest;
    this.injections = {};
    this.languages = {};

  _parsePath (tpath, local, type) {
    if (tpath[0] === '/') tpath = resolve(tpath.slice(1));
    else if (tpath[0] === '~') tpath = resolve('templates', tpath.slice(2));
    else tpath = path.resolve(local.cwd, tpath);
    if (type && !tpath.endsWith(type)) tpath += '.' + type;
    return tpath;

  _template (tpath, make) {
    if (!tpath) throw new Error('Received an empty template path: ' + tpath);
    if (this.injections[tpath]) return this.injections[tpath];

    if (!fs.existsSync(tpath)) {
      throw new Error('Injectable does not exist: ' + tpath);

    let contents;
    try {
      contents = fs.readFileSync(tpath).toString('utf8');
      if (make) contents = make(contents);
      this.injections[tpath] = contents;
      return contents;
    } catch (e) {
      log.error(e, 'An error occured while loading the injectable: ' + tpath);

    return '';

  helpers () {
    return {
      import:    this.import(),
      markdown:  this.markdown(),
      icon:      this.icon(),
      coalesce:  this.coalesce(),
      prod:      this.production(),
      rev:       this.rev(),
      lang:      this.lang(),

  rev () {
    const self = this;
    return function (url) {
      if (!url) return '';
      if (url[0] === '/') url = url.substr(1);
      if ( && self.revManifest[url]) return '/' + self.revManifest[url];
      return '/' + url;

  production () {
    const self = this;
    return function ({ fn, inverse }) {
      if (!fn) return;
      return ? fn(this) : inverse && inverse(this);

  markdown () {
    const self = this;
    return function (...args) {
      const { fn, data, resolve: rval } = args.pop();
      const local = rval('@root.this.local');
      let contents;

      if (fn) {
        contents = stripIndent(fn(data.root));
      } else {
        let tpath = args.shift();
        tpath = self._parsePath(tpath, local, 'md');

        contents = self._template(tpath);

      contents = markdown('full', contents, data, () => { throw new Error('You went too deep!'); });

      return { value: contents };

  import () {
    const self = this;
    return function (tpath, ...args) {
      const { hash, env, resolve: rval } = args.pop();
      const value = args.shift() || this;
      const frame = handybars.makeContext(value, env, { hash });
      const local = rval('@root.this.local');

      tpath = self._parsePath(tpath, local, 'hbs');

      try {
        const contents = self._template(tpath, handybars.parse).evaluate(value, frame);
      } catch (e) {
        log.error('Could not execute import template ' + tpath, e);
        return '';

  icon () {
    const self = this;
    return function (name, ...args) {
      const { hash, env, resolve: rval } = args.pop();
      const local = rval('@root.this.local');
      const tpath = path.join(local.root, 'svg', name + '.svg');
      if (hash.size && String(hash.size).match(/^\d+$/)) {
        hash.size = hash.size + 'px';
      const frame = handybars.makeContext(hash, env);
      try {
        const contents = self._template(tpath, (s) =>
          handybars(`<span class="svg-icon" style="{{#if this.size}}width:{{this.size}};height:{{this.size}};{{/if}}{{}}">${s}</span>`)

      } catch (e) {
        log.error('Could not execute import template ' + tpath, e);
        return '';

  lang () {
    return function (key, ...args) {
      const { resolve: rval } = args.pop();
      const lang = rval('').split('-')[0];
      return i18n(lang, key, ...args);

  // Given a list of arguments, returns the first that isn't undefined
  coalesce () {
    return function (...raw_args) {
      const { arguments: args } = raw_args.pop();

      for (const value of Object.values(args)) {
        if (value !== undefined) {
          return value;
      return undefined;

  // Multi tool for printing dates
  // {{date}} -> prints current date
  // {{date datestr}} -> prints date in datestr
  // {{date datestr datefmt}} -> prints date in datestr in format datefmt
  // {{date datestr datefmt lang}} -> prints date in datestr in format datefmt according to conventions for language lang
  // Datestr can be the string "now", `undefined`, and anything parsable by `new Date()`.
  // If lang is not specified, it will be extracted from the page metadata. If that is not available, English will be assumed.
  // In case of errors, the date will be returned as an ISO string if possible and its raw datestr input otherwise.
  // Datefmt format is available at
  // Common formats:
  // - "h:mm aa - EEE, LLL do, yyyy"  = 12 hour clock, e.g. '1:28 PM - Sat, Feb 15th, 2020' (en) or '1:28 PM - sam., 15/févr./2020' (fr)
  // - "hh:mm - EEE, LLL do, yyyy"    = 24 hour clock, e.g. '13:28 - Sat, Feb 15th, 2020' (en) or '13:28 - sam., 15/févr./2020' (fr)
  // - "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX" or "iso" = ISO 8601 format, e.g. '2020-02-15T13:28:02.000Z'
  date () {
    return function (...args) {
      const extra = args.pop();
      let datestr, dateobj, datefmt, lang;

      const { resolve: rval } = extra;
      const filename = rval('@value.input');
      lang = (rval('') || 'en').split('-')[0];

      switch (args.length) {
      case 0:
        datestr = 'now';
      case 1:
        datestr = args[0];
      case 2:
        datestr = args[0];
        datefmt = args[1];
      case 3:
        datestr = args[0];
        datefmt = args[1];
        lang = args[2];
        throw new Error('wrong number of arguments for {{date}}, got ' + args.length + ' maximum is 3');

      if (datestr === 'now' || datestr === undefined) {
        dateobj = new Date();
      } else {
        dateobj = new Date(datestr);

      if (!dateFNS.isValid(dateobj)) {
        log.error('Invalid input for date: ', { datestr, filename, args, extra });
        return datestr.toString();

      if (datefmt === 'iso') {
        return dateobj.toISOString();

      if (lang === undefined) {
        return dateobj.toISOString();

      const locale = str2locale[lang];
      if (locale === undefined) {
        log.warn('Locale not found: ' + lang);
      if (datefmt === undefined || locale === undefined) {
        const options = {
          weekday: 'short',
          year: 'numeric',
          month: 'short',
          day: 'numeric',
          timeZone: 'UTC',
          timeZoneName: 'short',
          hour: '2-digit',
          minute: '2-digit',
          second: '2-digit',
        try {
          return dateobj.toLocaleString(lang, options);
        } catch (error) {
          log.error('Something went horribly wrong while formating dates.', { error, filename, args, extra });
          return dateobj.toISOString();

      try {
        return dateFNS.format(dateobj, datefmt, { locale });
      } catch (error) {
        log.error('Something went horribly wrong while formating dates.', { error, filename, args, extra });
        return dateobj.toISOString();
