const path = require('path'); const { src, dest } = require('gulp'); const rev = require('gulp-rev'); const asyncthrough = require('./lib/through'); const changed = require('gulp-changed'); const merge = require('merge-stream'); const ROOT = path.dirname(__dirname); const DEST = 'dist'; module.exports = exports = function fileCopy () { const pageFiles = src([ 'pages/**/*', '!pages/**/*.{md,hbs,xml,html,jpeg,jpg,png,gif,mp4}' ]) .pipe(changed(DEST)) .pipe(dest(DEST)) ; const svgs = src('svg/**/*.svg') // .pipe(changed(DEST)) .pipe(dest(path.join(DEST, 'images/svg'))) .pipe(asyncthrough(async (stream, file) => { file.base = path.resolve(file.base, '../..'); stream.push(file); })) ; return merge(pageFiles, svgs); }; = function fileCopyForProd () { return exports() .pipe(rev()) .pipe(dest(DEST)) .pipe(asyncthrough(async (stream, file) => { // Change rev's original base path back to the public root so that it uses the full // path as the original file name key in the manifest var base = path.resolve(ROOT, DEST); file.revOrigBase = base; file.base = base; stream.push(file); })) .pipe(rev.manifest({ merge: true, // Merge with the existing manifest if one exists })) .pipe(dest('.')) ; };