const { chunk, uniq, uniqBy, difference } = require('lodash'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const { resolve } = require('./resolve'); const log = require('fancy-log'); const tweetparse = require('./lib/tweetparse'); const Twitter = require('twitter-lite'); const { hasOwn } = require('./lib/util'); var twemoji = require('twemoji' ); function tweetText2Html(tweet_text) { let answer = tweet_text.split(/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)+/) .map((s) => s.trim() && '
' + s + '
') .filter(Boolean) .join(''); answer = twemoji.parse(answer); return answer; } function applyI18N(original_tweet, twitter_i18n) { const id = original_tweet.id_str; // Make a shallow copy let tweet = Object.assign({}, original_tweet); // Do we have a trnslation for this tweet? if (twitter_i18n[id] === undefined) { // If not, delete any translation fields just in case delete tweet.html_i18n; delete tweet.full_text_i18n; } else { // If yes, add the translations const originalLang = tweet["lang"] || "x-original"; tweet.full_text_i18n = twitter_i18n[id].full_text_i18n; if (originalLang in tweet.full_text_i18n && tweet.full_text_i18n[originalLang] != tweet.full_text) { log.warn("Original text not matching for tweet "+id, { expected: tweet.full_text, got: tweet.full_text_i18n[originalLang]}); } else { tweet.full_text_i18n[originalLang] = tweet.full_text; } } // Return the tweet with the translations return tweet; } module.exports = exports = async function tweets (pages) { const [ twitter, twitterBackup, twitterCache ] = await Promise.all([ fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-config.json')).catch(() => null) .then(getTwitterClient), fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-backup.json')).catch(() => ({})), fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-cache.json')).catch(() => ({})), ]); let tweetsNeeded = []; const tweetsPresent = Object.keys(twitterCache); for (const page of pages) { const tweetids = [ ]; if (!tweetids.length) continue; const missing = difference(uniq(tweetids), tweetsPresent); tweetsNeeded.push(...missing); } tweetsNeeded = uniq(tweetsNeeded); /* Load Missing Tweets **************************************************/ while (tweetsNeeded.length) { log('Fetching tweets: ' + tweetsNeeded.join(', ')); const arriving = await Promise.all(chunk(tweetsNeeded, 99).map(twitter)); const tweetsRequested = tweetsNeeded; tweetsNeeded = []; const loaded = []; for (const tweet of arriving.flat(1)) { if (tweet.quoted_status_id_str && !twitterCache[tweet.quoted_status_id_str]) { tweetsNeeded.push(tweet.quoted_status_id_str); } twitterBackup[tweet.id_str] = tweet; twitterCache[tweet.id_str] = tweetparse(tweet); loaded.push(tweet.id_str); } const absent = difference(tweetsRequested, loaded); for (const id of absent) { if (!hasOwn(twitterBackup, id)) { log.error('Could not find tweet ' + id); continue; } const tweet = twitterBackup[id]; if (tweet.quoted_status_id_str && !twitterCache[tweet.quoted_status_id_str]) { tweetsNeeded.push(tweet.quoted_status_id_str); } if (tweet) { log('Pulled tweet from backup ' + id); twitterCache[id] = tweetparse(twitterBackup[id]); } else { twitterCache[id] = false; } } } /* Apply Tweets to Pages **************************************************/ var twitterMedia = []; function attachTweet (dict, tweetid) { if (!hasOwn(twitterCache, tweetid) && twitterBackup[tweetid]) { log.error(`Tweet ${tweetid} is missing from the cache but exists in backup? How did we get here?`); twitterCache[tweetid] = tweetparse(twitterBackup[tweetid]); return; } const tweet = twitterCache[tweetid]; if (!tweet) return; dict[tweetid] = tweet; twitterMedia.push( ); if (tweet.quoted_status_id_str) attachTweet(dict, tweet.quoted_status_id_str); } // now loop through pages and substitute the tweet data for the ids for (const page of pages) { const tweetids = [ ]; if (!tweetids.length) continue; page.tweets = tweetids.reduce((dict, tweetid) => { attachTweet(dict, tweetid); return dict; }, {}); } twitterMedia = uniqBy(twitterMedia, 'output'); await Promise.all([ fs.writeFile(resolve('twitter-media.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterMedia, null, 2)), fs.writeFile(resolve('twitter-cache.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterCache, null, 2)), fs.writeFile(resolve('twitter-backup.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterBackup, null, 2)), ]); return pages; }; /* Utility Functions **************************************************/ function getTwitterClient (config) { if (!config) return () => []; const client = new Twitter(config); return (tweetids) => client .get('statuses/lookup', { id: tweetids.join(','), tweet_mode: 'extended' }) .catch((e) => { log.error(e); return []; }); } const tweeturl = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(?:\w+)\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/i; const tweetidcheck = /^\d+$/; function parseTweetId (tweetid) { // we can't trust an id that isn't a string if (typeof tweetid !== 'string') return false; const match = tweetid.match(tweeturl); if (match) return match[1]; if (tweetid.match(tweetidcheck)) return tweetid; return false; } exports.parseTweetId = parseTweetId; exports.attachTweets = function (tweetids, tweets) { function attachTweet (dict, tweetid) { const tweet = tweets[tweetid]; if (!tweet) return; dict[tweetid] = tweet; if (tweet.quoted_status_id_str) attachTweet(dict, tweet.quoted_status_id_str); } return tweetids.reduce((dict, tweetid) => { attachTweet(dict, tweetid); return dict; }, {}); }; exports.i18n = async function() { const [ twitterBackup, twitterCache, twitterI18N ] = await Promise.all([ fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-backup.json')), fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-cache.json')).catch(() => ({})), fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-i18n.json')), ]); const twitterCacheBkp = JSON.stringify(twitterCache, null, 2); // Make sure no translation is forgotten for (const id in twitterI18N) { if (id in twitterBackup) { twitterCache[id] = applyI18N(twitterBackup[id], twitterI18N); twitterCache[id] = tweetparse(twitterCache[id]); } } const twitterCacheJson = JSON.stringify(twitterCache, null, 2); if (twitterCacheBkp != twitterCacheJson) { await fs.writeFile(resolve('twitter-cache.json'), twitterCacheJson); } }