const path = require('path'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const log = require('fancy-log'); const frontmatter = require('front-matter'); const { URL } = require('url'); const { pick, omit } = require('lodash'); const { resolve, readFile } = require('./resolve'); const pkg = require(resolve('package.json')); /* Utility Functions **************************************************/ const MD = '.md'; const HBS = '.hbs'; const HTML = '.html'; const XML = '.xml'; const tweeturl = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(?:\w+)\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/i; const tweetidcheck = /^\d+$/; function parseTweetId (tweetid) { // we can't trust an id that isn't a string if (typeof tweetid !== 'string') return false; const match = tweetid.match(tweeturl); if (match) return match[1]; if (tweetid.match(tweetidcheck)) return tweetid; return false; } module.exports = exports = class Page { constructor (filepath) { if (filepath && typeof filepath === 'object') { // we've been passed a json object, treat as serialized Page Object.assign(this, filepath); return this; } const file = path.parse(filepath); const { base: basename, name, ext } = file; // this file is an include, skip it. if (name[0] === '_') return false; // this is not a page file if (![ MD, HBS, HTML, XML ].includes(ext)) return false; // remove the pages root and any _images segment from the dir const dir = file.dir.split('/'); if (dir[0] === 'pages') dir.shift(); const i = dir.indexOf('_images'); if (i > -1) dir.splice(i, 1); this.input = filepath; // /local/path/to/pages/file.ext this.cwd = file.dir; // /local/path/to/pages/, pages/folder, pages/folder/subfolder this.base = path.join(...dir); // '', 'folder', 'folder/subfolder' this.dir = path.join('/', ...dir); // /, /folder, /folder/subfolder = name; // index, fileA, fileB this.basename = basename; // index.ext, fileA.ext, fileB.ext this.ext = file.ext; var isIndexPage = (name === 'index'); var isCleanUrl = [ HBS, MD ].includes(ext); if (isCleanUrl && isIndexPage) { this.output = path.join(this.base, 'index.html'); this.json = path.join(this.base, 'index.json'); this.url = this.dir; } else if (isCleanUrl) { this.output = path.join(this.base,, 'index.html'); this.json = path.join(this.base, + '.json'); this.url = path.join(this.dir,; } else if (isIndexPage) { this.output = path.join(this.base, 'index.html'); this.json = path.join(this.base, + '.json'); this.url = this.dir; } else { this.output = path.join(this.base, this.basename); this.json = path.join(this.base, this.basename + '.json'); this.url = path.join(this.dir, this.basename); } const url = new URL(pkg.siteInfo.siteUrl); url.pathname = this.url; this.fullurl = url.href; if ([ HBS, HTML, XML ].includes(ext)) { this.engine = 'hbs'; } else if (ext === MD) { this.engine = 'md'; } else { this.engine = 'raw'; } } async load ({ Assets }) { const [ raw, { ctime, mtime } ] = await Promise.all([ readFile(this.input).catch(() => null), fs.stat(this.input).catch(() => ({})), ]); const { titlecard, assets } = Assets.for(this.dir); // empty file if (!raw || !ctime) { log.error('Could not load page: ' + this.filepath); return false; } try { var { attributes: meta, body } = frontmatter(raw.toString('utf8')); } catch (e) { log.error('Error while parsing frontmatter for ' + this.filepath, e); return false; } this.source = body; this.meta = meta; this.images = assets; this.titlecard = titlecard; this.tweets = (meta.tweets || []).map(parseTweetId); this.dateCreated = && new Date( || ctime; this.dateModified = mtime; this.classes = Array.from(new Set(meta.classes || [])); this.flags = this.classes.reduce((res, item) => { var camelCased = item.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase()); res[camelCased] = true; return res; }, {}); return this; } toJson () { const j = pick(this, [ 'input', 'output', 'json', 'dateCreated', 'dateModified', 'cwd', 'base', 'dir', 'name', 'ext', 'basename', 'dest', 'out', 'url', 'fullurl', 'engine', 'source', 'images', 'assets', 'titlecard', 'tweets', 'classes', 'flags', ]); j.meta = omit(this.meta, [ 'date', 'classes', 'tweets' ]); return j; } };