const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const { chunk, uniq, keyBy, difference, omit } = require('lodash'); const log = require('fancy-log'); const glob = require('./lib/glob'); const getDimensions = require('./lib/dimensions'); const memoize = require('memoizepromise'); const { URL } = require('url'); const { minify: htmlMinify } = require('html-minifier-terser'); const { src, dest } = require('gulp'); const frontmatter = require('gulp-front-matter'); const collect = require('gulp-collect'); const asyncthrough = require('./lib/through'); const ROOT = path.dirname(__dirname); const DEST = 'dist'; const { siteInfo } = require('../package.json'); const markdown = require('markdown-it'); const striptags = require('string-strip-html'); const tweetparse = require('./lib/tweetparse'); const slugs = require('slugify'); const slugify = (s) => slugs(s, { remove: /[*+~.,()'"!?:@/\\]/g }).toLowerCase(); const handlebars = require('handlebars'); const HandlebarsKit = require('hbs-kit'); HandlebarsKit.load(handlebars); const md = markdown({ html: true, linkify: true, typographer: true, }).enable('image') .use(require('markdown-it-anchor'), { permalink: true, permalinkClass: 'header-link', permalinkSymbol: '', slugify, }) .use(require('./lib/markdown-raw-html')) ; const mdPreview = markdown({ html: false, linkify: false, typographer: true, }) .use(require('./lib/markdown-token-filter')) ; let twitterClient; const Twitter = require('twitter-lite'); try { twitterClient = new Twitter(require('../twitter.json')); } catch (e) { twitterClient = null; } function twitter (tweetids) { if (!twitterClient) return []; return twitterClient.get('statuses/lookup', { id: tweetids.join(','), tweet_mode: 'extended' }) .catch((e) => { log.error(e); return []; }); } async function reloadLayouts () { const layouts = { layout: 'templates/layout.hbs.html', }; let pending = Object.entries(layouts) .map(async ([ name, file ]) => [ name, (await fs.readFile(path.resolve(ROOT, file))).toString('utf8') ], ); pending = await Promise.all(pending); pending.forEach(([ name, file ]) => handlebars.registerPartial(name, handlebars.compile(file))); const injections = {}; handlebars.registerHelper('inject', function (tpath, ...args) { const { hash } = args.pop(); const context = handlebars.createFrame(args[0] || this); Object.assign(context, hash || {}); if (tpath[0] === '/') tpath = path.join(this.local.root, tpath); else if (tpath[0] === '~') tpath = path.join(this.local.root, 'templates', tpath.slice(2)); else tpath = path.resolve(this.local.cwd, tpath); tpath += '.hbs'; if (!injections[tpath]) { if (!fs.existsSync(tpath)) { log.error('Template does not exist for injection ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath)); return ''; } try { injections[tpath] = handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync(tpath).toString('utf8')); } catch (e) { log.error('Could not load injection template ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath), e); return ''; } } try { return new handlebars.SafeString(injections[tpath](context)); } catch (e) { log.error('Could not execute injection template ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath), e); return ''; } }); handlebars.registerHelper('icon', function (name, ...args) { const { hash } = args.pop(); const tpath = path.join(this.local.root, 'svg', name + '.svg'); if (!injections[tpath]) { if (!fs.existsSync(tpath)) { log.error('Template does not exist for injection ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath)); return ''; } try { const svg = fs.readFileSync(tpath).toString('utf8'); injections[tpath] = handlebars.compile(`${svg}`); } catch (e) { log.error('Could not load injection template ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath), e); return ''; } } try { return new handlebars.SafeString(injections[tpath]({ size: hash && hash.size })); } catch (e) { log.error('Could not execute injection template ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath), e); return ''; } }); handlebars.registerHelper('markdown', function (...args) { const { fn } = args.pop(); let original; if (fn) { original = fn(this); const match = original.match(/^[^\S\n]*(?=\S)/gm); const indent = match && Math.min( => el.length)); if (indent) { const regexp = new RegExp(`^.{${indent}}`, 'gm'); original = original.replace(regexp, ''); } } else { let tpath = args.shift(); if (!tpath) throw new Error('No content was provided for the Markdown helper'); if (tpath[0] === '/') tpath = path.join(this.local.root, tpath); else tpath = path.resolve(this.local.cwd, tpath); tpath += '.md'; if (!injections[tpath]) { if (!fs.existsSync(tpath)) { log.error('Markdown does not exist for injection ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath)); return ''; } try { original = fs.readFileSync(tpath).toString('utf8'); injections[tpath] = original; } catch (e) { log.error('Could not load markdown file ' + path.relative(ROOT, tpath), e); return ''; } } } original = md.render(original); return new handlebars.SafeString(original); }); } exports.loadLayout = async function loadLayout () { await reloadLayouts(); handlebars.registerHelper('rev', (url) => { if (!url) return ''; if (url[0] === '/') url = url.substr(1); return '/' + url; }); handlebars.registerHelper('prod', function (options) { if (!options.inverse) return false; return options.inverse(this); }); }; = async function loadLayoutForProd () { const manifest = await fs.readJson(path.join(ROOT, 'rev-manifest.json')).catch(() => {}).then((r) => r || {}); await reloadLayouts(); handlebars.registerHelper('rev', (url) => { if (!url) return ''; if (url[0] === '/') url = url.substr(1); if (manifest[url]) return '/' + manifest[url]; return '/' + url; }); handlebars.registerHelper('prod', function (options) { if (!options.fn) return true; return options.fn(this); }); }; exports.pages = function buildPages ({ minify }) { var postTemplate = handlebars.compile(String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(ROOT, '/templates/post.hbs.html')))); const minifyConfig = { conservativeCollapse: true, collapseWhitespace: true, minifyCSS: true, removeComments: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, }; return src([ 'pages/**/*.{md,html,xml}', '!pages/**/_*.{md,html}' ]) .pipe(frontmatter({ property: 'meta', })) .pipe(parseMeta()) .pipe(parseTweets()) .pipe(asyncthrough(async (stream, file) => { const cwd = path.dirname(file.path); let original = file.contents.toString('utf8').trim(); var data = { ...file.meta, meta: file.meta, page: { domain: siteInfo.domain, title: file.meta.title ? (file.meta.title + (file.meta.subtitle ? ', ' + file.meta.subtitle : '') + ' :: ' + siteInfo.title) : siteInfo.title, }, local: { cwd, root: ROOT, basename: file.basename, }, }; if ([ '.html', '.md' ].includes(file.extname)) { const datajs = file.clone(); datajs.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(omit(file.meta, [ 'destination' ]), null, 2)); datajs.basename = path.basename(file.path, file.extname) + '.json'; stream.push(datajs); } if ([ '.html', '.xml' ].includes(file.extname)) { // is a handlebars template try { const template = handlebars.compile(original); let html = template(data); if (minify) { html = htmlMinify(html, minifyConfig); } file.contents = Buffer.from(html); stream.push(file); } catch (err) { log.error('Encountered a crash while compiling ' + file.path, err); } return; } original = original.replace(/\{!\{([\s\S]*?)\}!\}/mg, (match, contents) => { try { const result = handlebars.compile(contents)(data); return '|||' + result + '|||'; } catch (e) { log.error(e); return ''; } }); if (file.extname === '.md') { let contents, preview; try { contents = md.render(original.replace(//g, '')).trim(); data.contents = contents; preview = striptags(original .replace(//g, '') .replace(/|||[\s\S]*?|||/gi, ''), ).trim(); if (preview.length > 1000) preview = preview.slice(0, 1000) + '…'; preview = preview ? mdPreview.render(preview) : ''; data.preview = preview; } catch (e) { log.error(`Error while rendering ${file.path}`, e); contents = preview = ''; } if (preview) { file.flags.add('has-preview'); if (preview.length < 400) file.flags.add('short-preview'); } else { file.flags.add('no-preview'); } const classes = Array.from(file.flags); const flags = classes.reduce((res, item) => { var camelCased = item.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase()); res[camelCased] = true; return res; }, {}); data.classes = data.meta.classes = classes; data.flags = data.meta.flags = flags; file.path = file.meta.destination; // is a markdown file try { let html = postTemplate(data); if (minify) { html = htmlMinify(html, minifyConfig); } file.contents = Buffer.from(html); stream.push(file); } catch (err) { log.error(`Error while rendering html for ${file.path}`, err); } return; } })) .pipe(dest(DEST)); }; = function buildPagesProd () { return exports.pages({ minify: true }); }; /** **************************************************************************************************************** **/ function parseMeta () { const getFileData = memoize(async (cwd, siteCwd) => { const imageFiles = (await glob('{*,_images/*}.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif,mp4}', { cwd })); const images = (await Promise.all( (imgpath) => { const ext = path.extname(imgpath); let basename = path.basename(imgpath, ext); if (basename === 'titlecard') return; if (ext === '.mp4') { return { name: basename, type: 'movie', full: path.join(siteCwd, `${basename}${ext}`), }; } const dimensions = await getDimensions(path.resolve(cwd, imgpath)); const { width, height } = dimensions; dimensions.ratioH = Math.round((height / width) * 100); dimensions.ratioW = Math.round((width / height) * 100); if (dimensions.ratioH > 100) { dimensions.orientation = 'tall'; } else if (dimensions.ratioH === 100) { dimensions.orientation = 'square'; } else { dimensions.orientation = 'wide'; } if (basename[0] === '_') { basename = basename.slice(1); } const filetype = { '.jpeg': 'jpeg', '.jpg': 'jpeg', '.png': 'png', '.gif': 'gif', }[ext]; const sizes = [ { url: path.join(siteCwd, `${basename}.${filetype}`), width: dimensions.width, height: dimensions.height, }, ]; for (const w of [ 2048, 1024, 768, 576, 300, 100 ]) { if (w > dimensions.width) continue; sizes.push({ url: path.join(siteCwd, `${basename}.${w}w.${filetype}`), width: w, height: Math.ceil((w / dimensions.width) * dimensions.height), }); } sizes.reverse(); return { name: basename, type: 'image', sizes, }; }))).filter(Boolean); const titlecard = (await glob('titlecard.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif}', { cwd }))[0]; return { images: keyBy(images, 'name'), titlecard: titlecard ? path.join(siteCwd, titlecard) : false, }; }); return asyncthrough(async (stream, file) => { if (!file || (file.meta && file.meta.ignore)) return; if (!file.meta) file.meta = {}; // if metadata has a date value, us it. // otherwise use creation date var date = new Date(; if (!date) date = file.stat.ctime; = date; var cwd = path.dirname(file.path); var siteCwd = file.meta.cwd = '/' + path.relative(path.join(ROOT, 'pages'), cwd); var base = file.meta.base = path.basename(file.path, file.extname); var flags = file.flags = new Set(file.meta.classes || []); var isIndexPage = file.meta.isIndex = (base === 'index'); var isRootPage = file.meta.isRoot = (file.meta.cwd === '/'); if (isRootPage && isIndexPage) { file.meta.slug = ''; file.meta.destination = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), 'index.html'); } else if (isRootPage || !isIndexPage) { file.meta.slug = base; file.meta.destination = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), base, 'index.html'); } else if (!isRootPage && isIndexPage) { file.meta.slug = ''; file.meta.destination = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), 'index.html'); } else { file.meta.slug = path.basename(cwd); file.meta.destination = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), 'index.html'); } const url = new URL(siteInfo.rss.site_url); file.meta.url = url.pathname = path.join(siteCwd, file.meta.slug); file.meta.fullurl = url.toString(); // file.meta.originalpath = path.relative(file.cwd, file.path); const { images, titlecard } = await getFileData(cwd, siteCwd); file.meta.images = images; file.meta.titlecard = titlecard; flags.add(titlecard ? 'has-titlecard' : 'no-titlecard'); if (file.meta['no-title']) { flags.add('hide-title'); } else if (file.meta.title || file.meta.description) { flags.add('show-title'); } else { flags.add('hide-title'); } flags.add(file.meta.title ? 'has-title' : 'no-title'); flags.add(file.meta.subtitle ? 'has-subtitle' : 'no-subtitle'); flags.add(file.meta.description ? 'has-descrip' : 'no-descrip'); stream.push(file); }); } function parseTweets () { const tweeturl = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(?:\w+)\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/i; const tweetidcheck = /^\d+$/; function parseTweetId (tweetid) { // we can't trust an id that isn't a string if (typeof tweetid !== 'string') return false; const match = tweetid.match(tweeturl); if (match) return match[1]; if (tweetid.match(tweetidcheck)) return tweetid; return false; } return collect.list(async (files) => { const twitterBackup = (await fs.readJson(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-backup.json')).catch(() => {})) || {}; const twitterCache = (await fs.readJson(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-cache.json')).catch(() => {})) || {}; const needed = []; // first loop through all posts and gather + validate all tweet ids for (const file of files) { if (!file.meta.tweets && !file.meta.tweet) continue; const tweets = []; if (file.meta.tweet) { file.meta.tweet = [ file.meta.tweet ].flat(1).map(parseTweetId); tweets.push(...file.meta.tweet); } if (file.meta.tweets) { file.meta.tweets =; tweets.push(...file.meta.tweets); } for (const id of tweets) { if (!twitterCache[id]) { needed.push(id); } } file.meta.tweets = tweets; } // if we have tweets we need to add to the cache, do so if (needed.length) { log('Fetching tweets: ' + needed.join(', ')); const arriving = await Promise.all(chunk(uniq(needed), 99).map(twitter)); const loaded = []; for (const tweet of arriving.flat(1)) { if (!twitterBackup[tweet.id_str]) twitterBackup[tweet.id_str] = tweet; twitterCache[tweet.id_str] = tweetparse(tweet); loaded.push(tweet.id_str); } const absent = difference(needed, loaded); for (const id of absent) { if (twitterBackup[id]) { log('Pulled tweet from backup ' + id); twitterCache[id] = tweetparse(twitterBackup[id]); continue; } log.error('Could not find tweet ' + id); } } const media = []; // now loop through posts and substitute the tweet data for the ids for (const file of files) { if (!file.meta.tweets) continue; file.meta.tweets = file.meta.tweets.reduce((dict, tweetid) => { const tweet = twitterCache[tweetid]; if (!tweet) log.error(`Tweet ${tweetid} is missing from the cache.`); dict[tweetid] = tweet; media.push( ); return dict; }, {}); } await fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-media.json'), JSON.stringify(media, null, 2)); await fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-cache.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterCache, null, 2)); await fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-backup.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterBackup, null, 2)); return files; }); } /** **************************************************************************************************************** **/