mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:56:18 +00:00
Another overhaul of gulp/content
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,175 +7,46 @@ const log = require('fancy-log');
const tweetparse = require('../lib/tweetparse');
const getEngines = require('./renderers');
const Twitter = require('twitter-lite');
const frontmatter = require('front-matter');
const Page = require('./page');
const createFileLoader = require('./files');
const { URL } = require('url');
const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..');
exports.parse = async function parsePageContent () {
const [ files, twitter, twitterBackup, twitterCache, { siteInfo } ] = await Promise.all([
const [ files, twitter, twitterBackup, twitterCache ] = await Promise.all([
glob('pages/**/*.{md,hbs,html,xml}', { cwd: ROOT }),
fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-config.json')).catch(() => null)
fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-backup.json')).catch(() => {}),
fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-cache.json')).catch(() => {}),
fs.readJson(resolve('package.json')).catch(() => ({})),
fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-backup.json')).catch(() => ({})),
fs.readJson(resolve('twitter-cache.json')).catch(() => ({})),
const loadFiles = createFileLoader();
const tweetsNeeded = [];
let tweetsNeeded = [];
const tweetsPresent = Object.keys(twitterCache);
const artifactLoader = createFileLoader();
let pages = await Promise.map(files, async (filepath) => {
const { dir, name, ext } = path.parse(filepath);
const basename = path.basename(filepath);
const page = new Page(filepath);
if (!page.input) return;
await page.load({ artifactLoader });
// this is an include, skip it.
if (name[0] === '_') return;
const cwd = resolve(dir);
const input = resolve(filepath);
const outDir = path.join('dist', dir.slice(6));
const siteDir = `/${dir.slice(6)}`;
// if cwd === ROOT then we're in the bottom directory and there is no base
const base = path.relative(cwd, ROOT) && path.basename(dir);
/* Load Page Content **************************************************/
const [ raw, { ctime, mtime }, { images, titlecard } ] = await Promise.all([
fs.readFile(input).catch(() => null),
loadFiles(cwd, siteDir),
// empty file
if (!raw) return;
try {
var { attributes: meta, body } = frontmatter(raw.toString('utf8'));
} catch (e) {
log.error('Error while parsing frontmatter for ' + filepath, e);
if (page.tweets.length) {
const missing = difference(page.tweets, tweetsPresent);
// page is marked to be ignored, skip it.
if (meta.ignore) return;
meta.path = filepath;
meta.cwd = cwd;
meta.base = base;
meta.outDir = outDir;
meta.input = input;
meta.source = body;
meta.dateCreated = meta.date && new Date(meta.date) || ctime;
meta.dateModified = mtime;
meta.siteDir = siteDir;
meta.name = name;
meta.ext = ext;
meta.titlecard = titlecard;
meta.images = images;
var flags = new Set(meta.classes || []);
var isIndexPage = meta.isIndex = (name === 'index');
var isRootPage = meta.isRoot = (siteDir === '/');
var isCleanUrl = meta.isCleanUrl = [ '.hbs', '.md' ].includes(ext);
if ([ '.hbs', '.html', '.xml' ].includes(ext)) {
meta.engine = 'hbs';
} else if (ext === '.md') {
meta.engine = 'md';
} else {
meta.engine = 'raw';
flags.add(titlecard ? 'has-titlecard' : 'no-titlecard');
flags.add(meta.title ? 'has-title' : 'no-title');
flags.add(meta.subtitle ? 'has-subtitle' : 'no-subtitle');
flags.add(meta.description ? 'has-descrip' : 'no-descrip');
let slug, output, jsonOutput;
if (isRootPage) {
if (isCleanUrl) {
slug = '';
output = resolve(outDir, name, 'index.html');
jsonOutput = resolve(outDir, name + '.json');
} else {
slug = '';
output = resolve(outDir, basename);
jsonOutput = resolve(outDir, basename + '.json');
} else if (isCleanUrl) {
slug = name;
if (isIndexPage) {
output = resolve(outDir, 'index.html');
} else {
output = resolve(outDir, name, 'index.html');
jsonOutput = resolve(outDir, name + '.json');
} else {
slug = base;
output = resolve(outDir, basename);
jsonOutput = resolve(outDir, basename + '.json');
meta.slug = slug;
meta.output = output;
meta.json = jsonOutput;
const url = new URL(siteInfo.siteUrl);
if ([ '.hbs', '.md' ].includes(ext)) {
url.pathname = path.join(siteDir, slug);
} else if (isIndexPage) {
url.pathname = siteDir;
} else {
url.pathname = path.join(siteDir, path.basename(filepath));
meta.url = url.pathname;
meta.fullurl = url.toString();
/* Process Tweets **************************************************/
const tweets = [];
if (meta.tweet) {
meta.tweet = [ meta.tweet ].flat(1).map(parseTweetId);
if (meta.tweets) {
meta.tweets = meta.tweets.map(parseTweetId);
for (const id of tweets) {
if (!twitterCache[id]) {
meta.tweets = tweets;
flags.add(tweets.length ? 'has-tweets' : 'no-tweets');
/* Process Flags **************************************************/
meta.classes = Array.from(flags);
meta.flags = meta.classes.reduce((res, item) => {
var camelCased = item.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase());
res[camelCased] = true;
return res;
}, {});
return meta;
return page;
pages = pages.filter(Boolean);
tweetsNeeded = uniq(tweetsNeeded);
/* Load Missing Tweets **************************************************/
if (tweetsNeeded.length) {
log('Fetching tweets: ' + tweetsNeeded.join(', '));
const arriving = await Promise.all(chunk(uniq(tweetsNeeded), 99).map(twitter));
const arriving = await Promise.all(chunk(tweetsNeeded, 99).map(twitter));
const loaded = [];
for (const tweet of arriving.flat(1)) {
@ -217,7 +88,7 @@ exports.parse = async function parsePageContent () {
await Promise.all([
fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'pages.json'), JSON.stringify(pages, null, 2)),
fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'pages.json'), JSON.stringify(pages.map((p) => p.toJson()), null, 2)),
fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-media.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterMedia, null, 2)),
fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-cache.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterCache, null, 2)),
fs.writeFile(path.join(ROOT, 'twitter-backup.json'), JSON.stringify(twitterBackup, null, 2)),
@ -234,34 +105,38 @@ exports.write = async function writePageContent ({ prod }) {
await Promise.map(pages, async (page) => {
// page = new Page(page);
var data = {
meta: page,
meta: { ...page.meta, ...page },
page: {
domain: siteInfo.domain,
title: page.title
? (page.title + (page.subtitle ? ', ' + page.subtitle : '') + ' :: ' + siteInfo.title)
title: page.meta.title
? (page.meta.title + (page.meta.subtitle ? ', ' + page.meta.subtitle : '') + ' :: ' + siteInfo.title)
: siteInfo.title,
description: page.meta.description || siteInfo.description,
local: {
cwd: page.cwd,
root: ROOT,
basename: path.basename(page.input),
basename: page.basename,
const html = engines[page.engine](data.source, data).toString();
const html = String(engines[page.engine](data.source, data));
const json = page.json && {
url: page.fullurl,
title: page.title,
subtitle: page.subtitle,
description: page.description,
title: page.meta.title,
subtitle: page.meta.subtitle,
description: page.meta.description,
tweets: page.tweets,
images: page.images,
dateCreated: page.dateCreated,
dateModified: page.dateModified,
titlecard: page.titlecard,
preview: page.engine === 'md' && String(engines.preview(data.source, data)),
await fs.ensureDir(path.dirname(page.output));
@ -277,18 +152,6 @@ exports.write.prod = function writePageContentForProduction () { return exports.
/* Utility Functions **************************************************/
const tweeturl = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(?:\w+)\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/i;
const tweetidcheck = /^\d+$/;
function parseTweetId (tweetid) {
// we can't trust an id that isn't a string
if (typeof tweetid !== 'string') return false;
const match = tweetid.match(tweeturl);
if (match) return match[1];
if (tweetid.match(tweetidcheck)) return tweetid;
return false;
function resolve (fpath, ...args) {
if (fpath[0] === '/') fpath = fpath.slice(1);
return path.resolve(ROOT, fpath, ...args);
@ -301,5 +164,3 @@ function getTwitterClient (config) {
.get('statuses/lookup', { id: tweetids.join(','), tweet_mode: 'extended' })
.catch((e) => { log.error(e); return []; });
const stat = (f) => fs.stat(f).catch(() => undefined);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
const path = require('path');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const log = require('fancy-log');
const frontmatter = require('front-matter');
const { URL } = require('url');
const { pick, omit } = require('lodash');
const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..');
const pkg = require(resolve('package.json'));
/* Utility Functions **************************************************/
const MD = '.md';
const HBS = '.hbs';
const HTML = '.html';
const XML = '.xml';
const tweeturl = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(?:\w+)\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/i;
const tweetidcheck = /^\d+$/;
function parseTweetId (tweetid) {
// we can't trust an id that isn't a string
if (typeof tweetid !== 'string') return false;
const match = tweetid.match(tweeturl);
if (match) return match[1];
if (tweetid.match(tweetidcheck)) return tweetid;
return false;
function resolve (...args) {
args = args.filter(Boolean);
let fpath = args.shift();
if (!fpath) return ROOT;
if (fpath[0] === '/') fpath = fpath.slice(1);
return path.resolve(ROOT, fpath, ...args);
module.exports = exports = class Page {
constructor (filepath) {
if (filepath && typeof filepath === 'object') {
// we've been passed a json object, treat as serialized Page
Object.assign(this, filepath);
return this;
const file = path.parse(filepath);
const { base: basename, name, ext } = file;
// this file is an include, skip it.
if (name[0] === '_') return false;
// this is not a page file
if (![ MD, HBS, HTML, XML ].includes(ext)) return false;
this.input = resolve(filepath); // /local/path/to/pages/folder/file.ext
this.cwd = resolve(file.dir); // /local/path/to/pages/, pages/folder, pages/folder/subfolder
this.base = file.dir.replace(/^pages\/?/, ''); // '', 'folder', 'folder/subfolder'
this.dir = file.dir.replace(/^pages\/?/, '/'); // /, /folder, /folder/subfolder
this.name = name; // index, fileA, fileB
this.basename = basename; // index.ext, fileA.ext, fileB.ext
this.dest = file.dir.replace(/^pages\/?/, 'dist/'); // dist/, dist/folder, dist/folder/subfolder
var isIndexPage = (name === 'index');
var isCleanUrl = [ HBS, MD ].includes(ext);
if (isCleanUrl && isIndexPage) {
this.out = path.join(this.dest, 'index.html');
this.json = path.join(this.dest, 'index.json');
this.url = this.dir;
} else if (isCleanUrl) {
this.out = path.join(this.dest, this.name, 'index.html');
this.json = path.join(this.dest, this.name + '.json');
this.url = path.join(this.dir, this.name);
} else if (isIndexPage) {
this.out = path.join(this.dest, 'index.html');
this.json = path.join(this.dest, this.name + '.json');
this.url = this.dir;
} else {
this.out = path.join(this.dest, this.basename);
this.json = path.join(this.dest, this.basename + '.json');
this.url = path.join(this.dir, this.basename);
this.output = resolve(this.out);
const url = new URL(pkg.siteInfo.siteUrl);
url.pathname = this.url;
this.fullurl = url.href;
if ([ HBS, HTML, XML ].includes(ext)) {
this.engine = 'hbs';
} else if (ext === MD) {
this.engine = 'md';
} else {
this.engine = 'raw';
async load ({ artifactLoader }) {
const [ raw, { ctime, mtime }, { images, titlecard } ] = await Promise.all([
fs.readFile(this.input).catch(() => null),
fs.stat(this.input).catch(() => {}),
artifactLoader(this.cwd, this.dir),
// empty file
if (!raw || !ctime) {
log.error('Could not load page: ' + this.filepath);
return false;
try {
var { attributes: meta, body } = frontmatter(raw.toString('utf8'));
} catch (e) {
log.error('Error while parsing frontmatter for ' + this.filepath, e);
return false;
this.source = body;
this.meta = meta;
this.images = images;
this.titlecard = titlecard;
this.tweets = (meta.tweets || []).map(parseTweetId);
this.dateCreated = meta.date && new Date(meta.date) || ctime;
this.dateModified = mtime;
this.classes = Array.from(new Set(meta.classes || []));
this.flags = this.classes.reduce((res, item) => {
var camelCased = item.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase());
res[camelCased] = true;
return res;
}, {});
return this;
toJson () {
const j = pick(this, [
j.meta = omit(this.meta, [ 'date', 'classes', 'tweets' ]);
return j;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"title": "That's Gender Dysphoria, FYI",
"domain": "genderdysphoria.fyi",
"siteUrl": "https://genderdysphoria.fyi",
"description": "A resource for those questioning their gender, already on a gender journey, or simply wanting to learn more about what it is to be transgender.",
"rss": {
"title": "That's Gender Dysphoria, FYI",
"feed_url": "https://genderdysphoria.fyi/atom.xml",
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
<div class="pager {{className}}">
<div class="back">
{{#is meta.url '/gdb/what-is-gender' }}<a href="/gdb/" class="btn btn-primary left">{{icon 'chevron-left'}} Introduction</a>{{/is}}
@ -21,7 +20,8 @@
<div class="forward">
{{#is meta.url '/gdb' '/' }}<a href="/gdb/what-is-gender" class="btn btn-primary right">Continue Reading {{icon 'chevron-right'}}</a>{{/is}}
{{#is meta.url '/' }}<a href="/gdb/what-is-gender" class="btn btn-primary right">Continue Reading {{icon 'chevron-right'}}</a>{{/is}}
{{#is meta.url '/gdb' }}<a href="/gdb/what-is-gender" class="btn btn-primary right">What is Gender? {{icon 'chevron-right'}}</a>{{/is}}
{{#is meta.url '/gdb/what-is-gender' }}<a href="/gdb/history" class="btn btn-primary right">The History of Gender Dysphoria {{icon 'chevron-right'}}</a>{{/is}}
{{#is meta.url '/gdb/history' }}<a href="/gdb/euphoria" class="btn btn-primary right">Gender Euphoria {{icon 'chevron-right'}}</a>{{/is}}
{{#is meta.url '/gdb/euphoria' }}<a href="/gdb/physical-dysphoria" class="btn btn-primary right">Physical Dysphoria {{icon 'chevron-right'}}</a>{{/is}}
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
{{#extend "layout"}}
{{#content "meta"}}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{page.title}}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{page.description}}">
<!-- <meta property="og:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev '/images/titlecard.jpg'}}"> -->
<meta property="og:title" content="{{meta.title}}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{meta.description}}">
{{!-- <meta property="og:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev '/images/titlecard.jpg'}}"> --}}
<meta property="og:url" content="https://{{page.domain}}">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{page.title}}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{page.description}}">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{meta.title}}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{meta.description}}">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<!-- <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev '/images/titlecard.jpg'}}"> -->
{{!-- <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev '/images/titlecard.jpg'}}"> --}}
{{#content "bodyClass"}}front-page{{/content}}
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="author" content="Jocelyn Badgley">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="GenderDysphoria, FYI">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="GenderDysphoria, FYI">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="That's GenderDysphoria, FYI">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="That's GenderDysphoria, FYI">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="TwippingVanilla">
{{block "meta"}}
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
{{#extend "layout"}}
{{#content "meta"}}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{title}}{{#if subtitle}}, {{subtitle}}{{/if}}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{description}}">
{{#if titlecard}}<meta property="og:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev titlecard}}">{{/if}}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{meta.title}}{{#if meta.subtitle}}, {{meta.subtitle}}{{/if}}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{meta.description}}">
{{!-- {{#if titlecard}}<meta property="og:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev titlecard}}">{{/if}} --}}
<meta property="og:url" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{url}}">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{title}}{{#if subtitle}}, {{subtitle}}{{/if}}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{description}}">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{meta.title}}{{#if meta.subtitle}}, {{meta.subtitle}}{{/if}}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{meta.description}}">
{{#if titlecard}}
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev titlecard}}">
{{!-- <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://{{page.domain}}{{rev titlecard}}"> --}}
<link rel="canonical" href="https://{{page.domain}}{{url}}">{{/content}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user