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synced 2025-03-03 02:56:18 +00:00
Translated the first half
I hope I can successfully make this into a draft because it's not finished yet. Let me know if you have any suggestions! I also need to change the Jurassic Park picture to one with Spanish captions and I don't know how to import images.
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@ -21,23 +21,23 @@ siblings:
nextCaption: But... but... the chromosomes!
#What is the Cause of Gender Incongruence?
#¿Cuál es la causa de la incongruencia de género?
Here is what we know today. If you’ve seen Jurassic Park then you may remember this scene:
Esto es lo que sabemos hoy. Si has visto Jurassic Park puede que recuerdes esta escena:
{!{ {{import '~/img' images.jurassicpark className="card borderless center span34" alt="All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. They just require an extra hormone given at the right developmental stage to make them male."}} }!}
This isn't science fiction, though it is very dumbed down. In human fetuses the gonads initially develop in a bi-potential state, meaning they can become either ovaries or testes. The SRY gene on the Y chromosome releases a protein called [Testis Determining Factor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testis-determining_factor) (TDF). This protein then starts a chain reaction with SOX9 production (another protein), which causes the gonadal cells to form into the Sertoli and Leydig cells that make up the testes. If TDF is never produced or is interfered with then the gonad cells form into the Theca cells and follicles which comprise the ovaries.
Esto no es ciencia ficción, aunque está muy simplificado. En los fetos humanos las gonadas se desarrollan inicialmente en un estado bi-potencial, lo que significa que pueden convertirse tanto en ovarios como en testículos. El gen SRY en el cromosoma Y libera una proteina llamada [Testis-determining Factor](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRY) (TDF). Esta proteína luego comienza una reacción en cadena con la producción de SOX9 (otra proteína), lo que causa que las células germinales se transformen en las células Sertoli y Leydig que conforman los testículos. Si nunca se produce la TDF o si se interviene entonces las células germinales se transforman en las células Thecca y los folículos que conforman los ovarios.
{!{ <div class="gutter flex" style="justify-content: center"> {{import '~/img' images.fetalgenitals className="card" caption="<a href=\"https://schoolbag.info/biology/concepts/188.html\">Source</a>" alt="Fetal development of internal sexual anatomy"}}</div> }!}
Once formed, the testes then begin producing a testosterone surge which typically starts in the 8th week of gestation and continues until the 24th week. This surge, [combined with another hormone from the placenta](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190214153053.htm), is responsible for the development of the penis and scrotum. Genitalia formation starts around week 9 and becomes identifiable by the 11th week. If the surge does not occur, or the body does not respond to it (such as in the case of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) then the genitalia form into the vulva, vagina and uterus instead.
Una vez formados, los testículos empiezan a producir una ráfaga de testosterona que típicamente comienza en la octava semana de gestación y continúa hasta la semana 24. Esta ráfaga, [combinada con otra hormona de la placenta](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190214153053.htm), es responsable por el desarrollo del pene y del escroto. La formación de los genitales comienza alrededor de la novena semana y se vuelve identificable en la onceava semana. Si la ráfaga no ocurre, o el cuerpo no responde a ella (como en el caso del Síndrome de Sensibilidad Androgénica) entonces los genitales se transforman en la vulva, la vagina y el útero.
If there is an interference in this process then you can end up with the wrong bits, and this is the result of many intersex conditions. Often times this is a partial development, where the external genitalia only partially form, but functional gonads still exist. Sometimes the child comes out with fully functional male or female genitalia, but mismatched gonads. Sometimes the TDF protein fails to release and the fetus grows completely functional female reproductive organs, despite the presence of a Y chromosome.
Si hay una interferencia en este proceso entonces puedes terminar con los genitales equivocados, y ese es el resultado de muchas condiciones intersexuales. A menudo esto es un desarrollo parcial, donde los genitales externos sólo se forman parcialmente, pero las gónadas funcionales existen de todos modos; a veces el infante puede tener genitales femeninos o masculinos completamente funcionales, pero con gónadas no coincidentes. A veces la proteína TDF fracasa en liberarse y el feto genera órganos femeninos reproductivos completamente funcionales, a pesar de la presencia de un cromosoma Y.
This is known as Swyer Syndrome, and an unknown number of women may have this condition. In 2015 [an XY woman with Swyer Syndrome who was born without ovaries](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mostly-male-woman-gives-birth-to-twins-in-medical-miracle-10033528.html) successfully carried and gave birth to a child via IVF. Usually Swyer Syndrome results in completely non-functional ovaries, but [in 2008 a woman was found with Swyer Syndrome](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/) who had gone through puberty, menstruated normally, and had two unassisted pregnancies. Her condition went undiscovered until her daughter was was found to also have it.
Esto es conocido como el síndrome de Swyer, y un número desconocido de mujeres puede tener esta condición. En el 2015 [una mujer XY con síndrome de Swyer que nació sin ovarios](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mostly-male-woman-gives-birth-to-twins-in-medical-miracle-10033528.html) llevó y parió exitosamente a un bebé a través de FIV (fertilización in vitro). Usualmente el síndrome de Swyer resulta en ovarios completamente no funcionales, pero [en el 2008 fue encontrada una mujer con síndrome de Swyer](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/) que pasó por la pubertad, menstruaba normalmente, y había tenido dos embarazos sin asistencia. Su condición no fue descubierta hasta que se descubrió que su hija también la tenía.
The fact is, the vast majority of the population has never been tested for genetic karyotype, so we don’t know how common these cases actually are. Where does this come into affect for gender identity? Well, the exact same process that causes the external genitals to differentiate also occurs for the brain.
El hecho es que, la vasta mayoría de la población nunca ha sido examinada por su cariotipo, así que no sabemos qué tan comunes son estos casos en realidad. ¿Cómo afecta esto la identidad de género? Bueno, exactamente el mismo proceso que causa que los genitales se diferencien también ocurre en el cerebro.
{!{ <div class="gutter">
<strong style="display: block;text-align: center;">And it gets even weirder!</strong>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ The fact is, the vast majority of the population has never been tested for genet
#### Brain Split
The prenatal brain doesn’t really start to develop until between week 12 and 24. The cerebral cortex, the thin outer layer of the brain that contains most of what we think of as consciousness, grows substantially during those periods of time. Prior to that, the structure present is more like a scaffolding, the basic parts of the nervous system necessary for bodily function. The primary sulci (the wrinkles in the cerebral cortex that allow for more surface area) [start to form at week 14](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989000/#Sec5title), well after the genitals have developed.
El cerebro prenatal no comienza realmente a desarrollarse hasta entre la semana 12 y 24. La corteza cerebralThe cerebral cortex, the thin outer layer of the brain that contains most of what we think of as consciousness, grows substantially during those periods of time. Prior to that, the structure present is more like a scaffolding, the basic parts of the nervous system necessary for bodily function. The primary sulci (the wrinkles in the cerebral cortex that allow for more surface area) [start to form at week 14](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989000/#Sec5title), well after the genitals have developed.
It [has been confirmed multiple times](https://www.the-scientist.com/features/are-the-brains-of-transgender-people-different-from-those-of-cisgender-people-30027) via MRI studies that there are small but significant differences between cis male and cis female brains, differences which align with the gender identities of trans people in the study. Note, **this does not mean that anyone with those differences will have that gender**, because gender identity isn’t that simple, but it provides evidence that there is a clear difference in masculine and feminine brains.
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