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synced 2025-03-03 02:56:18 +00:00
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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ You may put little care into your physical appearance, reaching for only the bas
You may be unconcerned with the state of your body, perhaps not even fearing death, because you have so little attachment to your life.
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@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ All of this is valid, and just because you feel very dysphoric one day and not d
### This Happens Both Ways
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@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ Psychologist John Money oversaw David's case and was largely responsible for the
This is the tragedy of the [intersex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex) community. Roughly one in every 60 births results in some kind of intersex condition (tho not all of these are related to genitalia). Often times the "corrective" procedures used on intersex children results in a loss of function and/or sensation. Far too frequently, doctors would opt towards forced female assignment because it was easier to construct a vulva than a penis.
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@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ tweets:
Here is what we know today. If you’ve seen Jurassic Park then you may remember this scene:
{!{ {{inject '~/img' images.jurassicpark className="card borderless center span34" alt="All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. They just require an extra hormone given at the right developmental stage to make them male."}} }!}
{!{ {{import '~/img' images.jurassicpark className="card borderless center span34" alt="All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. They just require an extra hormone given at the right developmental stage to make them male."}} }!}
This isn't science fiction, tho it is very dumbed down. In human fetuses the gonads initially develop in a bi-potential state, meaning they can become either ovaries or testes. The SRY gene on the Y chromosome releases a protein called [Testis Determining Factor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testis-determining_factor) (TDF). This protein then starts a chain reaction with SOX9 production (another protein), which causes the gonadal cells to form into the Sertoli and Leydig cells that make up the testes. If TDF is never produced or is interfered with then the gonad cells form into the Theca cells and follicles which comprise the ovaries.
{!{ <div class="gutter flex" style="justify-content: center"> {{inject '~/img' images.fetalgenitals className="card" caption="<a href=\"https://schoolbag.info/biology/concepts/188.html\">Source</a>" alt="Fetal development of internal sexual anatomy"}}</div> }!}
{!{ <div class="gutter flex" style="justify-content: center"> {{import '~/img' images.fetalgenitals className="card" caption="<a href=\"https://schoolbag.info/biology/concepts/188.html\">Source</a>" alt="Fetal development of internal sexual anatomy"}}</div> }!}
Once formed, the testes then begin producing a testosterone surge which typically starts in the 8th week of gestation and continues until the 24th week. This surge, [combined with another hormone from the placenta](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190214153053.htm), is responsible for the development of the penis and scrotum. Genitalia formation starts around week 9 and becomes identifiable by the 11th week. If the surge does not occur, or the body does not respond to it (such as in the case of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) then the genitalia form into the vulva, vagina and uterus instead.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The fact is, the vast majority of the population has never been tested for genet
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<strong style="display: block;text-align: center;">And it gets even weirder!</strong>
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@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ Yet, progress continues, and every few years we learn a little bit more.
What we know for certain is that it is not a psychological condition, it is not something caused by trauma or by any external influence, nothing can make a person transgender. It happens in the womb, and is not something that a person can choose to be, any more than they could choose their race or their eye color. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it has nothing to do with kinks or fetishes, it has nothing to do with social influences from their parents or from their peers. [Transgender children are as firm in their identities as cisgender children are.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2020/12/29/study-transgender-children-recognize-their-authentic-gender-at-early-age-just-like-other-kids/#20bbb14526bf).
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@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ The following changes that have been made to this document since release:
- Moved History of GD and What Is GD into a new page.
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@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ tweets:
# But the Chromosomes!!!
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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tweets:
) tweets=meta.tweets className="oneblock" }}
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@ -81,6 +81,6 @@ There are dozens of ways that chromosomes can be much more complex than XX and X
- [Aromatase Excess](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatase_excess_syndrome) causes feminisation in an otherwise male child, as all testosterone is converted into estrogen.
{!{ {{inject '~/img' images.barbosa className="card borderless center" alt="The code is more what you'd call guidelines, than actual rules."}} }!}
{!{ {{import '~/img' images.barbosa className="card borderless center" alt="The code is more what you'd call guidelines, than actual rules."}} }!}
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@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ There is no such thing as parents "transing" their kids.
These mentalities have to stop.
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@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ So, it is literally impossible for a person to identify as trans and not experie
Then why do we still say it? Because most people don't know what gender dysphoria actually is, and it is easier to repeat the mantra, than to explain the nuances and subtleties of how Gender Dysphoria manifests. But hey, look, now you've got a nice article to link to that can help people understand that.
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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Eventually they realize that they don't want to go back into the hole any more.
This is what Gender Euphoria is like, it is brief flashes of a light that may be too bright to handle at first, too confusing to understand, but as time goes on you become more accustomed to them and you realize that this is where you belong, and the darkness becomes the dysphoria.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="hide-reply" }}</div> }!}
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ This is the most fundamental reason why we as a community say "you do not need d
Anything that can be a source of dysphoria has an equal and opposite euphoria.
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@ -66,5 +66,5 @@ Even just being out in the world as yourself and being seen as yourself can be m
That said, many people who have not yet realized they are trans may resort to fetishes and kinks to express their gender and/or relieve their dysphoria. They may maintain some of these kinks through transition. There is no shame in this, how they find sexual fulfillment is their own business. However, these things are *alongside* their gender. A trans person's sense of gender persists indefinitely, it does not go away when they go back to their daily lives.
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@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ Many trans people attempt to recapture some of these lost events, hosting or att
This is one of many reasons why affirming trans youth is so important. Boys want to do common boy things and girls want to do common girl things, and when they miss out they will not forget.
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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ In 1948 noted sexologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey (yes, [*that* Kinsey](https://en.wiki
Benjamin then went on to refine his protocol and treated thousands of patients with similar feelings over the course of his career. He refused to take payment for his work, instead taking satisfaction from the relief he granted these patients, and using their treatment to further his understanding of the condition. He coined a term for this feeling of incongruence in 1973: Gender Dysphoria. Unfortunately, this term would not be used in the United States until 2013, the American Psychiatric Association opting for the term Gender Identity Disorder instead.
{!{ <div class="gutter">{{inject '~/img' images.hbscale className="card sideline" caption="Harry Benjamin Diagnostic Scale"}}</div> }!}
{!{ <div class="gutter">{{import '~/img' images.hbscale className="card sideline" caption="Harry Benjamin Diagnostic Scale"}}</div> }!}
If you are a trans person reading this, you may have heard the name Harry Benjamin before, but probably not in a favorable context. In 1979 his name was used (with permission) in the forming of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA), which released a Standards of Care (SoC) for transgender people. This SoC came to be known as the Harry Benjamin Rules, and were infamously limiting in regards to how Gender Dysphoria could be diagnosed. Patients were placed within a six tier scale based upon their level of misery and sexual dysfunction. If you did not land at Tier 5 or higher, classified as a "True Transexual", you were usually rejected for treatment.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Transgender people are coming out of the woodwork, we are everywhere.
<strong>Dys·pho·ri·a</strong> - <em>Noun</em><br>
A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life. The opposite of euphoria.
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@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ There is no one single trans experience, there is no standard set of feelings an
Ok, that disclaimer out of the way, lets get to the meat and potatoes.
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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ tweets:
# Impostor Syndrome
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="hide-reply" }}</div> }!}
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ On top of this, messages saying that trans people hate their bodies or hate thei
***[YES, YOU ARE TRANS ENOUGH](https://www.amazon.com/Yes-You-Are-Trans-Enough/dp/1785923153/)***
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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The world is *full* of influences put in place to fill us with doubt and keep us
### Autogynephilia
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@ -103,4 +103,4 @@ These people will stop at nothing to invalidate your existence. Do not give them
GAs do not believe in the existence of gender dysphoria, and will attempt to invalidate those who experience it. They're functionally the extreme leftist version of the Gender Critical movement.
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@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ This experience of discontinuity between the internal and external self is what
The purpose of this site is to document the many ways that Gender Dysphoria manifests, as well as other aspects of gender transition, in order to provide a guide for those who are questioning, those who are starting, those already on their path, and those who simply wish to be better allies.
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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Growing up in the closet, even when you don't know you're in the closet, becomes
- Helping cis partners to shop in order to live vicariously through their presentation.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="collapse" }}</div> }!}
@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ Finally, another very common coping mechanism is to find means of escapement or
- Sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping.
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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ It can be felt as a sort of *reverse* phantom effect, where the person is persis
It may be felt as horror or revulsion when looking at or touching the external genitals, triggering emotional outbursts or a strong desire to remove the offending organ. AFAB (assigned female at birth) trans people may experience feelings of wrongness during menstruation, or a sense of alien disconnect from their hormone cycle.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="hide-reply" }}</div> }!}
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Undesired physical features may prompt a person to experience envy of people who
Sometimes it may just simply be a feeling of being incorrect, which you may not even attribute to gender or sex. For most of my life I believed that the reason I hate my body was because I was fat. It wasn't until I started transition that I realized I don't hate my fat at all, I hated having *male* fat. The feminine curves that HRT gave me make me feel so much more in tune with my body.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="hide-reply" }}</div> }!}
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ Everyone absorbs these messages, and trans people internalize the factors which
What is the end result of this? Kathryn said it best:
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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Post-transition presentational dysphoria is usually simply a case of high discom
### Presentation's Affect on Physical Dysphoria.
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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ I, myself am very feminine in my preferred presentation, and I had a longing to
What does this look like? Well, it looks a lot like other common body image issues. A tendency to avoid anything form fitting, leaning towards softer fabrics and baggier clothes. A classic gender dysphoria trope is the kid who wears nothing but sweatpants and hoodies. Clothes will be oversized in order to keep them from hugging the body. AFABs may prefer to wear compressing sports bras in order to minimize their chests, and avoid anything with a tight waistline.
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@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ Performative Presentation was practically required prior to the reformation of W
Presentation is especially important among pre-pubescent children, as they lack any significant secondary sexual characteristics. Clothing and hair are the only ways we have to show the gender of a child, so much so that if a baby simply wears a pink shirt, strangers assume it is a girl. Even unisex clothing for kids is strongly gendered by way of colors and graphics. For trans children it can be extremely distressing to be either forced to cut their hair, or required to grow it out. Denying a young trans girl access to dresses, or forcing them onto a trans boy, can be debilitating to their morale.
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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Cisgender gay relationships shirk this by virtue of necessity, opening the doors
What does all this mean? Trans people who enter into perceptually heterosexual relationships pre-transition sometimes find themselves losing interest in sexual intercourse, as penetrative acts do not produce the fulfillment that they would expect. In extreme cases it can feel completely wrong and trigger panic. The sensations may feel pleasurable, but the experience is out of place, and the act itself feels forced.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="" }}</div> }!}
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ This dysphoria may be so significant that they find themselves taking a sexual i
Some trans women, for example, identified as gay men pre-transition out of a desire to have a partner that treats them like women during sex, but find themselves to actually be lesbians once that demand is lifted. Others may attempt to live as gay men, but find that the role doesn't fulfill them because they know their partners see them as men.
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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ tweets:
# Social Dysphoria
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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ It may also manifest as joy or embarrassment at being labeled as your true gende
- An AMAB person being labeled a girl, intending insult, but it causing them to blush rather than get angry.
- An AFAB person being called Sir, and feeling better for it.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="" }} </div> }!}
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ I, myself, have no direct physical dysphoria around my voice, I actually really
A very curious and surprisingly phenomenon is that closeted trans people have a tendency to find each other without ever knowing they've done it. There's a funny pattern that I have heard duplicated over and over where one person in a friend group realizes they are transgender, starts to transition, and that inspires other members of the group to also realize they are trans and come out as well.
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) tweets=meta.tweets className="" }} </div> }!}
@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ Trans people subconsciously tend to gravitate towards each others friendships, b
Trans people often continue to self-select their groups post-transition as well, as we simply understand each other better than cis people can. There is an energy that occurs when a group of trans people get together in a location, the room becomes charged with camaraderie and commiseration. We all have so much in common in our histories, so many shared experiences, that short of personality conflicts we instantly bond together.
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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Failure to live up to these roles can manifest *intensely* as shame and humiliat
These kinds of situations can lead to bullying and abuse, pushing the trans person to feel isolated, alone, and out of place. This sense of division then creates feelings of shame for failing to be the person everyone expects them to be. This then manifests as depression on top of other dysphoria, compounding their pain.
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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Shame also tends to build up until it boils over into radical action. A very com
### Dating and Romantic Relationships
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@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ For example, I myself realized after coming out to my wife that all of my previo
This all gets even more complex for non-binary people, some of whom can at best describe their dating style as Queer.
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@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ Other Trans Feminine Surgeries:
- Shoulder Reduction. The collar bone is shortened to reduce the width of the shoulders. EXTREMELY RISKY
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tweets:
# What is Gender?
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@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Human Sex (the adjective, not the verb) is broken down into three categories:
Any of these three aspects can fall into a position on a range of values. Your elementary school health class probably taught you that Genotype is binary, either Female (XX) or Male (XY), when the reality is that there are a dozen other permutations that can occur within human beings.
{!{ {{inject '~/img' images.bimodal className="card borderless center span34"}} }!}
{!{ {{import '~/img' images.bimodal className="card borderless center span34"}} }!}
Likewise, many people believe that Phenotype is also binary, but biology has recognized for hundreds of years that when you plot out all sexual characteristics across a population, you actually end up with a bimodal distribution where the majority of the population falls within a percentile of two groups. This means that some people will, simply by nature of how life works, fall outside of the typical two piles. Many people fall in the middle, with characteristics of both sexes.
<div class="gutter flex">
{{inject '~/img' images.spectrum className="" link="https://bahamutzero.tumblr.com/post/56838411871/gender-a-visual-guide-when-most-people-think-of" style="margin-bottom: 5px"}}
{{inject '~/img' images.graph className="" style="margin-bottom: 5px"}}
{{inject '~/img' images.gender_unicorn className="" link="http://www.transstudent.org/gender" style="margin-bottom: 5px"}}
{{import '~/img' images.spectrum className="" link="https://bahamutzero.tumblr.com/post/56838411871/gender-a-visual-guide-when-most-people-think-of" style="margin-bottom: 5px"}}
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{{import '~/img' images.gender_unicorn className="" link="http://www.transstudent.org/gender" style="margin-bottom: 5px"}}
@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ What **Gender is *not*** is sexual orientation. We describe orientation using te
In generalist terms this essay will be describing gender in a sense of binary identities (male/female) vs non-binary identities (agender, bigender, genderqueer, etc), but this is purely for the sake of writing simplicity. Please know that the depth of gender experience and expression is far, far more complicated than this simple breakdown.
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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
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